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PRCXI Invites You to ARABLAB 2024 in Dubai

Release time: 2024-09-12

Founded in 1984, ARAB LAB is the only exhibition for laboratory instruments and testing equipment in the Middle East and has been successfully held for 41 editions

Time:2024 年 9 月 24 日-26 日
Address:ICEC -Istanbul Lutfi Kirdar International Convention and Exhibition Center- Rumeli 1 Hall or Istanbul Lutfi Kirdar Exhibition Halls Rumeli 1 Hall

Founded in 1984, ARAB LAB is the only exhibition for laboratory instruments and testing equipment in the Middle East and has been successfully held for 41 editions, with the 42nd edition in 2024.ARABLAB creates a professional trade platform for industries related to laboratory technology, biotechnology and life sciences, high-tech automated laboratories and data processing.

The show is by far the earliest prepared and well-equipped professional fair in Dubai, and is well known to the industry for being the only laboratory and laboratory equipment and supplies show in Dubai. The show has been recognized by the Scientific Equipment and Laboratory Furniture Association (SEFA) as one of the world's most recommended shows.


Product introduction:

The SC9000 SE Manual Pipetting Workstation, with two ranges of 20μL and 200μL, is highly regarded by customers for its speed, accuracy, ease of use, and virtually no training required, and can be used for a wide range of plate spreading experiments, such as PCR, fluorescence quantitation, enzyme immunoassay, hemagglutination and hemagglutination inhibition experiments, and so on.

The SC9210 SE Automated Pipetting Workstation, an automated pipetting system for a wide range of pipetting processes, is a compact, open-design desktop automated pipetting workstation that is efficient, convenient and precise. The space-saving design of up to 10 plates makes it easy to fit into a safety cabinet or laminar flow cleanroom for cellular experiments or automated handling of toxic reagents.

The SC9300-V03 Fully Automated Pipetting Workstation is a completely redesigned product with a small footprint, simple operation, many features, automated operation, wide range of applications, and provides an accurate pipetting experience. It can also be equipped with vibration module and a metal bath module for more functionality expansion and to solve more difficult customer problems.

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